Friday, October 10, 2008

Yummy Fry Bread

We meet the nicest people these last few days, they own a restaurant called Cafe Laguna on Power road, I want you to go to there web site and see their YUMMY food it looks so delious! We are going to go this weekend, just thought I would put you all in the mood for some Fry Bread.. go to oh and did i mention that they bought our Tent Trailer we will miss it we have had it for twelve years and it has some great memories attached to it... sorry to have made your hunger temps get hungrier!


Anonymous said...

I love fry bread and it is SO low calorie too! I will have to check it out!

Ericka Johnson said...

Yum-we will have to try it when we are there for Thanksgiving!

Jake said...

I have eaten my fair share of fry bread and Navajo tacos. Up is St. Johns groups in the community do Navajo Taco dinner fund raisers and the people up there never seem to tire of it. I personally love the stuff and can't wait to check that place out.

We will be sure to keep you posted on any baby activity over the next week or so.

Tell Hallie hi.


Gail said...

What will you do w/o you tent trailer Chris? Have you given up camping? We love new places to eat! Thanks for the tip:)

Chris, Mom,and Grandma said...

No Gail haven't given up on camping just moved to a little better comfort, I need that now thata i am older! like a toilte and shower and fridge microwave all the stuff that your use to having, so hopefully it will be fun for us! well for me anyways, i still might have to make the boys go find a tree to water!