Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Last Choir Concert for the Year...

Monday was Hallie's last concert for the year, she is in the Vivace Vocalist and has absolutely loved it , she has had allot of fun being in the same class with allot of her friends, a few weeks ago she was ready to be done with choir and was looking forward to be in an art class next semester but after this concert she had a change of heart and wants to continue it next semester as well, I guess if you quit then next year when she is in 8th grade you have to start at the beginning again and she would really like to move up to the next group, we are proud of you Hallie and have enjoyed going to hear you sing...Thanks Hannah and Zac for coming and enjoying it with us..just think you have next year to look forward too also...


Anonymous said...

I guess Mr. Carpenter put lots of pressure on the girls not to quit. But we are still quitters....I posted the result of the "too" controversy after your recent comment. I was right..that lady was stupid...

Lauren said...

I heard they are really good! George and I almost went!

Malissa said...

Yay for the LAST one!! Hallie looks pretty!!