Monday, July 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Shout out to Hallie!!

Happy fourteenth Birthday to this beautiful girl, she has grown into a young lady and is so much fun to have around, we will be missing her this day as she is on her way home from being in Canada for the last ten days, she has been having allot of fun and seeing some pretty country with her sister and family. I can't believe how the time has gone by and watching Hallie grow over the years, she is a big help to her mom and family, loves the new little babies that her siblings keep having, she is a great friend to all her friends and cousins, we are so blessed to have her in our home, Dad and I love you Hallie Happy Birthday today....

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Happy Birthday to Boyd's Dad!! and Glad this week is over!!

A big Birthday wish to Bob, Boyd's dad, they had all the fam over for Dinner last Sunday and we cooked up most of the Trout that we brought back with us from Greer, it was very yummy and delish, there was quite the gang there between my family and grand kids and all of Boyd's siblings not to mention allot of body heat the heated up the house, the noise level was a tad hi but it was a fun night to celebrate with all.

Karen brought in more furniture, so we had wall to wall sitting, first time ever...

Also this week I had my annual mammogram, not my most favorite thing to get done. I stress over it for weeks until its time to go in, I don't know why i let it bother me so much but it's overwhelming for me to want to go in and get it done. They have a new way of doing it now where they take digital pictures I was able to see the pictures that they took, not that i knew what to look for but it was very interesting, then you wait and wait till they come back with the results and this time they said we need to take more picture but on your right side! i was like my right side that wasn't even the side that i had my cancer in so then that made me sweat some bullets, she said the Dr. saw something that he didn't see the time before, so they took two more pictures. The whole time i was waiting i was praying too, I just wanted to run out of the building and not hear any of the results that's how scared i was... The Nurse came out with her arms in the air and with a big smile and told me it was all good and there was nothing there, that was the best news, so I'm good to go for another year, maybe i will get to the point were i don't get so scared..... so here is the paper that they gave me!! whoo hoo...


Monday, July 13, 2009

My agony of No See- Um Bites!

So over the Fourth we went to Greer! had a lovely time until THIS! a few days after we had got back my ankles and legs just started itching like no other, I was so miserable and it was driving me nuts.. had allot of medical advice from everyone and noting seem to help, first started out taking benedryl and putting cortisone creme on them then then it went to using caladryl both the pink kind and clear somewhat relief and then by Saturday I could not stand it any longer and finally checked me into a Dr. I told him I went fishing down by the stream and this is what happen to me a few days later, I said I thought they were no- see um bites and he looked at me pretty funny and started laughing, like i was crazy (it was a fun laugh) I know Ariz. doesn't have chiggers so Boyd said that his Grandpa always called them no see- ums I told the Dr. I was serious and that he could learn all about them on google! any who we had some good laughs but he knew i was miserable so he told me i need a stronger antihistamine and a steroid for the swelling and then told me to get some Aveno to put on them, they are finally feeling better as long as i take the antihistamine for the itching, but it makes me pretty tired but thats okay i am always ready for a good night sleep, nothing less i am just glad that i am finally feeling alittle relief, I learned a valuable lesson and that is always spray on the DEET bug spary before you go near the water..... never again will I go without doing this I was one MISERABLE girl....

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

1fish-2 fish-3 fish -fifty

Here we are in the Beautiful land of Greer Arizona were we spent the Fourth of July weekend. Needless to say it was very hard to want to come home, the weather was perfect the highs 75 and the low 60's what better could you ask for. The kids and Adult kids had a grand time, we fished at sheep's crossing every day and had our limit, we ended up coming home with fifty trout! yum, can't wait to put them on the grill and cook them up, Everyone hated to come home to 115 temp. We all can't wait to go back again...

Boyd and Oscar with there catch for the morning..

Hallie and I caught these fish all by ourselves, this was my lucky green shirt, when I didn't wear it I caught NO fish when I wore it I always caught some fish, Hallie and I had a great time being fishing buddies....

On the way to the creek we saw these herd of Elk off to the side of road.

Here is the gang plus one, Zac's friend Matt they caught all of these one of the afternoons we were there..

It had been pouring down rain, that is why we are wearing these nice fashionable rain poncho's.

Hallie and Oscar, they both had the best of time..

Boyd showing Oscar how to gut and clean the fish, Oscar was in heaven getting to use his pocket knife..

Zac's catch of the day, it was our last day there. We actually went up for the Archery shoot at sunrise, but ended up fishing most of the time...